Beneficiary bashing

Posted by kao | 4:43 PM | 0 comments »

The band Deliriou5 is sadlyo more, having disbanded late last year after 15 years on the road. Their departure leaves a big hole in contemporary Christian music, especially from the UK. Weve seen Deliriou5 perform live twice, and their shows are always high on energy, but wholly focused on the One who provides it.We love many Deliriou5 songs, but this one has really grown on us over the last couple of years. Anthem-like, it builds from a hushed start to a real rock crescendo. And the lyrics are great; they are the story of a journey, a journey which many of us who have accepted Christ can identify with - heres a taste:I’m waiting here for our life to change, When the waters stir you can rearrange me. Just one touch is all Weeed, I’veothing much but the wounds We feel, I’m looking for the hand of the miracle man. Holy, you are holy, Who was and is and is to come. Holy, you are holy, Saviour, Healer, I’m standing at the feet of the miracle maker. I’m holding on, with your life in mine, Living water’s come, And you’ve rearranged me.Well miss Deliriou5. But thanks to some judicious CD and DVD purchases, their music will fill our lives for a while yet, and theres the internet of course. So this morning, we invite you to join us to reflect on and enjoy - Miracle Maker
Delirious Christian Music Sunday - 14/2/2010
Well, well, well - whod have thunk it Shes barely had tome to invest her parliamentary superannuation, but already Sue Bradford is being trotted out by TVNZ as its resident "beneficiaries advocate". And Bradford showed this morning that ten years in the corridors of power hasnt dulled the red rhetoric one iota. All the familiar cliches and excuses were trotted out, including "beneficiary-bashing" and "return to the 90s".What is it with the likes of self-appointed do-gooders such as Bradford Dont they know thatew Zealand is broke Dont they think its wrong that people should have an option of staying home and doingothing whilst the taxpayer pays them And worst of all, do they care about fairnessTo the last question, our answer is this; only when it suits them. ItsOT fair that some people have chosen to get ahead so that they may have well paid jobs. ItsOT fair that some people in well paid jobs pay a disproportionate amount of tax. And its definitelyOT fair that those of us who pax our taxes have to support those who MAKE A CHOICEot to work.We know that there are many people who are genuinely unable to work, and it is those who should be supported by the welfare system. But equally, there are many receiving handouts who are perfectly capable of working; they simply dont want to. It is these people that changes to the welfare system must target.We are pleased to see that the government is serious about refining and reforming the system because we believe that it is fundamentally flawed. Our only regret is that it will give the likes of Sue Bradford a campaign from which to spout socialist rhetoric, which a complinat media will report as gospel. But we are convinced that it is a path down which John Keys government must tread ifew Zealand is going to become a competitive and productive country.
Sue Bradford Beneficiary bashing