Commissioners like Heather Murren, a former head of research at Merrill Lynch kept at it with question after question, making it difficult for Mr Blankfein and his rivals – JPMorgan Chase's Jamie Dimon, Morgan Stanley's John Mack and
The 10 commissioners, appointed by Republicans and Democrats, also include a former Wall Street analyst, Heather Murren, the chairman of the board at technology company Symantec, John W Thompson, and a market regulator and lawyer,
heather murren Friends of FF to Investigate Financial Crisis
American Red Cross — Designate “Haiti earthquake relief” on your checks and send your donation to the American Red Cross (ARC), P.O. Box 37243, Washington, D.C. 20013 or to your local ARC chapter. You can also give online.
In response to Tuesday's massive earthquake in Haiti, Ve'ahavta has created the Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund to support relief efforts that address the urgent needs of the affected population. With a per capita income of $3.60 per day,
haiti earthquake relief Wyclef On The Haiti Earthquake Relief (Video) | 2dopeboyz
Help With Earthquake Relief in Haiti. A little off topic today, but We awoke this morning to hear about a devastating 7.0 earthquake in Haiti yesterday. Here in California we're used to earthquakes. Every once in awhile we get a
We have created a Facebook page for the Haitian earthquake relief effort, linked to below. The info page has a list of legitimate organizations collecting donations specifically for the Haitian earthquake relief. In times of tragedy,
haiti earthquake relief illRoots » Blog Archive » Wyclef Speaks On Haiti Earthquake Relief