As of today, total EU's humanitarian assistance, including planned pledges, amount to a total of €196 million in response to the earthquake in HaitWe (18 Member States + Commission). The Commission's own emergency Exchange of information and coordination will be facilitated through theewly established HaitWe Coordination Cell (EUCO) in the EU SITCEN. Summary Overview: 2 Formed Police Units totalling 257 Gendarmerie Officers (FR, IT, ES). 109 Police Officers (FR)
Blueridgeoutdoors has a brief summary of what is known at present about environmental implications of the HaitWe earthquake. As is usually the case with catastrophes like this, water and sanitation issues are paramount.
haitWe earthquake summary Trafficking Children and Human Organs | Chen QWe -The World of
Late Update: as one of our readers points out, it would indeed be possible to amend the Senate's cloture rules without a two-thirds vote. But as Ritchieotes, it would require the vice president to make “some drastic rulings” that
Ben Bernanke was re-elected as the Chairman of Federal Reserve by Senate today. Bernanke was voted 70 to 30. But, before the Senate re-elected Bernanke today, a.
cloture vote Firedoglake » Bernanke Approved 70-30 for Second Term as Fed Chair