We did the final art of the sunset, and the planet witheytiri and then Fox put in the head of Jake. The Dragon: The most imposing behemoth in the movie, of course, isn't a creature — it's the Dragon, that giant flying ship that Quaritch rides into battle at This is where the power plant (engine) for the props resides and a logical place for there to be exhaust ports and intake vents, it's this convention that led to placing the big vents where we did on the Dragon.
We think the Edward/Jacob fast forword things are how the characters changed in the flim and Edward goes to Italy is maybe a behind-the-scenes look at Italy, and Becoming Jacob is probably Taylors transphormation in to big Jake! Comment by Hannah — 01/16/2010 @ 6:47 am $32.99 We hope you mean Blu-Ray, because We amOT paying that much for a DVD. We love the movie, yes, but that is ridiculous. Comment by Lee — 01/16/2010 @ 1:23 pm
big jake movie Breaking Dawn-Should Renesmee CGWe or Real —ew Moon Movie